Untouched World Season Collections
Autumn / Winter 17
The Autumn / Winter 2017 Collection was shot at Seascape, the exclusive award winning luxury resort located in a private bay on Banks Peninsula with photography by Dean Mackenzie. I wanted to capture the different elements of our shoot. Showcasing the contrast between the stark architecture, rugged landscapes and moody sky while keeping our latest clothing creations front and centre.
This collection was shot on the shortest day of the year and we plunged into darkness very quickly. The hot Nor'Wester whipped up the clouds and gave us an interesting backdrop.
For a winter shoot, we always have the elements to deal with. For once the weather was in our favour - almost too much in our favour. Keiran our model was positively melting in our Merino knitwear as we hit an unseasonably warm 20+ degrees.
Spring / Summer 2017/18
Shot in and around the award winning house 'Skyfall' in Little River and at Birdlings Flat with photography by Dean Mackenzie.
Our summer shoot was shot on the hottest day of the year so far, 35+ degrees with a strong Nor'Wester. It made the shooting difficult and tiring. The extreme heat at midday made us shoot a large amount indoors. The wind became a major hindrance as clothing and hair became unmanageable and the heat made the makeup troublesome. I had to make calls on the spot when things weren't quite working.
Autumn / Winter 2018
The Autumn / Winter 2018 Collection was initially shot in the Hakatere Conservation Reserve. Due to dreadful weather we had to abandon that location and shoot closer to home in the hills above Sumner. This changed the look of the collection dramatically and we had to think on our feet to get the best from what was a difficult situation.
This look book is aimed at the public and is more customer focused. There is less attention to SKUs and showing the entire collection. I wanted to bring in relevant information that the customers might not be aware of when looking at our clothing.
Mountainsilk Basics
Life Cycle
Yarn Story
Spring/Summer 2018/19
The Spring/Summer 2018/19 Collection was entirely shot in the studio. We tried a new direction with this shoot by not initially doing a first shoot on location as with previous collections. The reasoning was that not all garments go through to the final stages of production, so there is a very real possibility that we could photograph something and it ends up being cut from the collection, which isn't very productive.
We shot our usual style for the studio, but then opened up the space and let our model, Lisa move more freely. We also brought in a false wall and floor to create a more vibrant environment.
Wool story
Changing the world
Ecopossum Spread